Design and implement a service to check if passport numbers are in the list of forbidden passports.
Average time of such check should be no more than 1 millisecond.
The list of forbidden passports - 130 millions.
Uptime - 99% + full HA (excluding the network infrastructure).
The service can be implemented with any programming language.
The service can read the numbers for checking from any source (http, file, standard input (STD) and so on).
As the list of forbidden passport you can use this:
It contains CSV file with passport numbers.
In general, passport number has fixed format: SSSS NNNNNN
where SSSS - passport seria, number in the range 0-9999,
NNNNNN - passport number, number in the range 0-999999.
(CSV file can contain invalid numbers, like alfa characters in seria or number)